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Apollo 212

Total Area:







Dual Occupancy

Who said you can't find corner duplex standard plan? The Apollo 212 combines a 3 bed, 2 garage home with a 1 bed, 1 garage; suitable for the smaller duplex sites, popular with investors, extended families and home owners looking for an additional income stream.

Clever design is the only way to keep small lot duplexes with this number of living areas feeling spacious, and this plan certainly delivers. Both homes offer full kitchen and laundry facilities, and space for as large outdoor living as your block allows.

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Above we have a widget which shows you the available facades for this design. Click on the tabs at the top to change the style, and then press the arrows either side of the façade to see some colour ideas. PJ Burns can help you tweak the colours of your home to best suit you and your family! 

Please know that our team is currently working on updating the website; and all of our plans, inclusions & façades due to the NCC22 changes. As we transition over, there may be gaps in the façades displayed and some other information.

Thanks for your understanding :)

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Please contact our office to discuss this design

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Please contact our office to discuss this design

Depictions may not represent standard specification.

Designs may be subject to change due to NCC22. Please contact our office for any information or advice we are more than happy to help. Terms and Conditions

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